About Interlab
Interlab (Laboratory of Interactive Technologies) is an Applied Technology Research Laboratory, based in the Department of Computer Engineering and Digital Systems (PCS) of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, with interest in new interactive technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality and digital games, for the development of innovative solutions in the areas of education, health and entertainment. Interlab was founded in 1996, bringing together two pre-existing groups, GRV (virtual reality group, created and managed by Prof. Antonio Helio Guerra Vieira since 1992) and GCAD (group of CAD and Computer Graphics, created in 1985 by Prof Dr Antonio Marcos de Aguirra Massola and coordinated at the time of the merger by Prof. Dr. Romero Tori, who took over Interlab’s coordination since then). In 2002, Interlab created the computer game research linah, led by Prof. Dr. Ricardo Nakamura. Also participating in Interlab are professors Edith Ranzini, Maria Alice Grigas Varella Ferreira, Lucia Filgueiras and Fatima Nunes, as well as graduate and postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers.