Professor Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras, teacher at PCS / Poli / USP and researcher at Interlab, coordinated the USP event at the Vatican Hack, a hackathon to select the team that will Leia mais
Interlab participates in the Inauguration of New Headquarters of the School of the Future of USP
The inauguration of the new space of the School of the Future, an Interlab partner since its foundation, under the leadership of ECA / USP Dean, Brasilina Passarelli, was attended by several Leia mais
Dental training in virtual reality is awarded in Scientific Congress
Interlab researchers’ paper was awarded at the Brazilian Congress of Informatics in Education (CBIE). The awarded paper presented VIDA-Odonto, a system that recreates virtually a dental office and simulates situations in which Leia mais
Robotics AC/DC/EG visit the Interlab
Today the Interlab da Poli/PCS/USP was prestigious with the visit of the team of Robotics AC/DC/EG of the Colegio Eduardo Gomes, of São Caetano do Sul, formed by students and pupils of Leia mais
Professor Edith Ranzini honored
Prof. Edith Ranzini, who has been a member of Interlab since its foundation, was honored by the Association of Students of the Polytechnic School (AEP). The researcher at Interlab was also the Leia mais
Prof Ricardo Nakamura talks about SBGames
Ricardo Nakamura, chair of SBGames 2016, teacher at PCS / Poli / USP and Interlab researcher, talks about trends and research discussed during the largest and most important scientific event in the Leia mais
Virtual Body Swap
Interlab, LPAI/Senac and UNIFESP have collaborated with BeAnother Lab in a large experiment that studied the effects of being in another body. First results were published in this paper.
Augmented reality in education – Futura Channel
The technology is each day more and more present in our lives. It shoud be no different in the School. The use of augmented reality (inserting virtual content into real environment) in Leia mais
Profa Fatima Nunes lecture on e-Health
Prof. Dra Fátima de Lourdes dos Santos Nunes Marques, coordinator of the LApIS (Laboratory of Applications of Informatics in Health) of EACH / USP, director of the Information Technology Center of São Leia mais
Learn how the USP’s Interactive Technologies Lab works
The interactive Technologies laboratory, belonging to the Computer Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP), was created in 1996 and operates in the applied research in Leia mais