Prof Romero Tori, coordinator of Interlab USP, in an interview with Radio CBN talks about “Immersive Education”(in portuguese) Click here and listen to the interview (in portuguese)
Needle insertion Simulation
It can be downloaded for free, until 20/02/2019, the article “Haptic interaction for needle insertion training in medical applications: The state-of-the-art“, published in the prestigious cientific magazine “Medical Engineering & Physics” by Leia mais
Graduation team projects 2018 led Interlab are awarded
Two Graduation team projects, oriented by Interlab professors in the area of Computer Engineering, were awarded by Department of Computer Engineering and Digital Systems (PCS) of Polytechnic of USP. The student Igor Fillippe Leia mais
Students e professors of FOB from USP test the VIDA Odonto
On November 26-28 2018 a team of Interlab researchers, formed by Elen Collaço, Lucas Sallaberry and Paulo Muggler, supported by the LaSiT(Laboratório de Simulação e Treinamento – Simulation and Treining Laboratory) team Leia mais
Book “Introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality”
Published by SBC (Sociedade Brasileira de Computação – Brazilian Computer Society) and organized by the teachers Romero Tori, leader interlab which is a research laboratory of the department PCS of Polytechnic of Leia mais
Interlab at the monitored visit to Poli / USP
More than 600 young people visited Escola Politécnica da USP and were able to know a little of what we do in our laboratories, participate in demonstrations, attend lectures and interact with Leia mais
Lecture “Education without Distance” opens Moodlemoot Brazil 2018
The Professor Romero Tori, coordinator cientific of Interlab, presented the lecture of Moodlemoot Brasil 2018, with the topic “Educação sem Distância”. This traditional event, that ocurred between the days 26th and 27th Leia mais
(Português do Brasil) Debate sobre Realidade Virtual (SENAI InfoCast )
Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.
Interlab participates in the CONGRESS OF EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE, of Sesi-SP., Held between April 23 and 24, at the FIESP Event Center (Fiesp Headquarters) Av. Paulista, 1313, São Paulo-SP. The event Leia mais
Professor of Interlab participates in delegation for international cooperation
Professor Ricardo Nakamura participated, in the period from 9 to 11 April, of the annual conference of the UGPN (University Global Partnership Network ), the International cooperation network from which USP participates. The Leia mais