Submission instructions


  • Submission Instructions: English / Portuguese
  • Submission deadline: 31st July   10th August  (submission CLOSED)
  • In order to access the Abstract submission system (via EasyChair), please click here.  (Abstract submission CLOSED)
  • A ready article template for Microsoft Word can be downloaded here. Users that prefer to use another text editor are kindly asked to follow the rules below, but are also encouraged to read the template file in order to solve eventual doubts.

Summarized Guidelines

The structure adopted for the text consists of the following elements:

  1. First page of the paper, containing:
    1. A Title;
    2. Authors’ data (according to the template standard);
    3. An abstract of about 100 words and 5 keywords;
  2. The paper itself, formatted as an A4-paper document with two columns (width of 7.9 cm, separated from each other by 0.5 cm), using the font Times New Roman size 12 for the text. The total length, excluding the first page, must be no longer than 10 pages.

Papers must:

  • be written either in English, Portuguese or Spanish;
  • have, at their ending, the set of references used on the text.
    • References, on their turn, shall be sorted alphabetically and contain the corresponding data:
      • Authors’ names;
      • Year of publication (in brackets);
      • Month/Issue numbers (the volume number is also needed, should the reference correspond to a Journal article);
      • Publication title (if applicable);
      • Publisher, with the respective source;
      • Article page numbers (if applicable);
    • In-text citations shall use the format (author, date), including the relevant page numbers if applicable;
  • be sent either as a Microsoft Word file (.doc), as a .pdf file or as a .ps file.

All figures and graphics used must be either .jpeg .gif .png or .vsd (Microsoft Visio Documents) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. They also shall be arabically-numbered and followed by the corresponding captions. Every figure, graphic and table presented on the article must be mentioned in the text.

Authors can use additional sub-sections, although it is highly recommended to base the style of the fourth level and eventual further levels on the Microsoft Word’s “Heading 3” style (Times New Roman, Bold, size 12, with a left indentation of 1.3 cm).

It is important to remark that the copyright of all articles published on SITRAER will belong to the Brazilian Air Transportation Research Society (SBTA).

Reviewing process

Your article will be reviewed by two members of the journal’s editorial board through a double-blind process. A copy of the referees’ comments will be sent to the authors for revision. For publication, the revised article must follow the guidelines above and must address the referee’s comments. Authors must state that their work has not been submitted or published elsewhere.