SBTA Board

- President – João Batista Camargo Jr.
- Vice-president – Alexandre de Barros Barreto
- Directors:
- Li Weigang
- Carlos Müller
- Jules Ghislain Slama
- Supervisory Board – Paulo Sérgio Cugnasca
- Alternates:
- Ítalo Romani de Oliveira
- Derick Moreira Baum
SBTA’s history
SBTA, the Brazilian Society of Air Transportation Research, has its origins in GTA (Air Transportation Group), formed by post-graduate students of the Aeronautic Infrastructure Engineering course on ITA (Aeronautical Technologic Institute). Basically, three individuals were the envisioners of what would become SBTA: Eng. Milton Valdir de Matos Feitosa, the economist Alessandro Vinicius Marques de Oliveira and Eng. Érico Soriano M. Santana. The main purpose of GTA was to gather efforts from the air transportation and airport post-graduate students of ITA in order to encourage events, academic debates and debates involving industry professionals, therefore enhancing high-quality scientific production.
In 1999, two milestones were established to strengthen the group that would create SBTA: the release of the air Transportation Seminar (which later would become the first SITRAER) in 21st-22nd October and the creation of a discussion list of GTA in 8th November. The Seminar’s idea was consolidated in 2000, with the release of II SITRAER, which was marked high-quality debates (impressing the audience) and introduced presentations from scientific papers written by students.
Among the individuals that have contributed to the realization of SITRAER I and II, the following collaborators can be stood out: Érico Soriano Martins Santana, Adival Magri Jr., Adriana Arioli, Cristiani de Araújo Siqueira, Erik Alexander Jenichen, Janaína Rizzi, Marcelo Baena Moreno, Marcelo Sáfadi Alvares, Marcius Mendonça Gomes de Souza, Marcos Ramon Flores Curiel, Rodrigo Lugon, Vinicius Roberto Silveira Filho, Douglas Targa, Erika Spoljaric, Leonardo Oliveira Meneses, Milton Valdir de Matos Feitosa, Rogéria Eller.
Furthermore, the most ambitious initiative from the GTA student group would be in 2001: the realization of III SITRAER, that would have been the biggest and best organized of the events ever promoted. Unfortunately, some authorities dissatisfied with the lectures selected for the event decided arbitrarily to determine its cancellation. This decision has led to the de facto dissolution of GTA, given that most students were discouraged to attempt newer initiatives on such level.
Nevertheless, a second nucleus of people committed to build an independent and solid scientific entity for the Air Transportation was created on the same year: the Council of Moderation from the GTA’s discussion list. Summoned by the creators of GTA, with the intention to promote a decoupling from ITA, this group includes Hygino Rolim (CNS-ATM/DECEA), Rodrigo Coelho (Unicamp), Paulo Almeida (Embraer) e Guilherme Lohmann Palhares (Victoria University of Wellington).
The Council of Moderation from the GTA’s discussion list that was born and consolided the idea of the Brazilian Society of Air Transportation Research. It was created on December 3rd, 2002, via an act from the Managing Council (priorly called Moderating Council).