Assista aqui a gravação do evento

Esse evento faz uma homenagem ao Prof. André Riyuiti Hirakawa, falecido em 3 de Dezembro de 2020, depois de anos de uma dura batalha contra o câncer. Professor, engenheiro, pesquisador e amigo, já nos faz muita falta
Leia na íntegra a homenagem prestada pelo professor Antonio Mauro Saraiva.
Os trabalhos poderão ser submetidos nas seguintes modalidades:
Incentivamos a todos os pós graduandos, particularmente os que tiverem em fase de conclusão, a submeter os seus trabalhos!
Keynote Speaker: Shelley Stall
Shelley Stall is the Senior Director for the American Geophysical Union’s Data Leadership Program. She works with AGU’s members, their organizations, and the broader research community to improve data and digital object practices with the ultimate goal of elevating how research data is managed and valued. Better data management results in better science. Shelley’s diverse experience working as a program and project manager, software architect, database architect, performance and optimization analyst, data product provider, and data integration architect for international communities, both nonprofit and commercial, provides her with a core capability to guide development of practical and sustainable data policies and practices ready for adoption and adapting by the broad research community.
Shelley’s recent work includes the Enabling FAIR Data project ( engaging over 300 stakeholders in the Earth, space, and environmental sciences to make data open and FAIR targeting the publishing and repository communities to change practices by no longer archiving data in the supplemental information of a paper but instead depositing the data supporting the research into a trusted repository where it can be discovered, managed, and preserved.
Comitê e Organização
Docentes, Orientadores, Pesquisadores e Alunos do Programa de Pós-Graduação envolvidos na realização do evento.