Anna Helena Reali Costa

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering Building, Office C2-50

Dept. Computer Engineering and Digital Systems
Escola Politécnica of the Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, trav.3, n.158
05508-010 São Paulo, SP – Brazil

Phone: +55 (011) 3091-5387

Director of C2D.

Member of C4AI.

Publications | Research | Projects | Students | Teaching | CV Lattes | Bio


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My research is in Artificial Intelligence, considering adaptation, interaction and decision-making as fundamental principles of intelligent agents. Thus, my research focuses on machine learning, multiagent systems, and robotics. My research contributions are mainly in the area of Reinforcement Learning, Autonomous Agents, and Transfer Learning. Application domains include for example robot soccer, robot navigation, smart homes, ad networks, computational biology or recommender systems. My long-term research intention is to create complete, robust, and autonomous agents that can learn to interact in complex and dynamic environments.


On going projects supported by funding agencies:

C4AI: Center for Artificial Intelligence
FAPESP grant number: 2019/07665-4 (2020 – 2025)

A3R: Accelerating and Applying Reinforcement Learning
CNPq grant number 310085/2020-9 (2021 – 2023)

Machine Learning Systems for Digital Twins of Stationary Oil and Gas Production Units
ANP Petrobras PT-128.01.13344, SAP 4600597013 (2020 – 2022)


Current Master Students
André Seidel Oliveira (2020)
Bruno Eidi Nishimoto (2020)
Flávio Nakasato Cação (2020)
Francisco Caio Lima Paiva (2019)
Lucas Pereira Cotrim (2021) – co-advisor
Pedro Felipe Lavra Dias (2021) – co-advisor
Thomaz Calasans dos Santos (2019) – co-advisor

Current PhD Students
Jonas Mendonça Targino (2019)
Amir Muhammed Sa’ad (2018)

Master’s Alumni
Alan Rafael Fachini (NUSP: 8787292), completed in 10/17/2016
Alexandre da Silva Simões (NUSP: 3021510), completed in 06/02/2000
André Iasi Moura (NUSP: 5468105), completed in 06/14/2007
Angel Felipe Magnossão de Paula (NUSP: 11030561), completed in 12/22/2020
Antonio Henrique Pinto Selvatici (NUSP: 4969825), completed in 02/04/2005
Fábio Rodrigo Amaral (NUSP: 5983389), completed in 10/18/2010
Felipe Leno da Silva (NUSP: 8620010), completed in 02/19/2015
Flávio Sales Truzzi (NUSP: 5949780), completed in 05/07/2014
Heider Berlink de Souza (NUSP: 8614909), completed in 02/27/2015
Marcelo Li Koga (NUSP: 5435283), completed in 11/21/2013
Paulo Thiago Fracasso (NUSP: 3313022), completed in 03/14/2008
Rafael Lemes Beirigo (NUSP: 6481760), completed in 10/02/2014
Reinaldo Augusto da Costa Bianchi (NUSP: 1881576), completed in 08/03/1998
Roberto José Giordano Barra (NUSP: 2368310), completed in 03/16/2007
Rodrigo Andrade de Bem (NUSP: 5308291), completed in 03/30/2007
Rodrigo Cesar Bonini (NUSP: 9870901), completed in 11/21/2018
Rodrigo Dias Arnaut (NUSP: 5730911), completed in 11/30/2009
Taynan Maier Ferreira (NUSP: 10577927), completed in 07/20/2021
Tiago Matos (NUSP: 5177981), completed in 09/06/2011
Walter Mauricio Mayor Toro (NUSP: 8409448), completed in 11/04/2014

PhD’s Alumni
Alexandre da Silva Simões (NUSP: 3021510), completed in 04/07/2006
Antonio Henrique Pinto Selvatici (NUSP: 4969825), completed in 03/20/2009
Cyntia Eico Hayama Nishida (NUSP: 6426934), completed in 07/02/2020
Felipe Leno da Silva (NUSP: 8620010), completed in 09/06/2019
Juan Carlos Perafan Villota (NUSP: 8409469), completed in 10/27/2016
Nicolau Leal Werneck (NUSP: 6295501), completed in 08/17/2012
Paulo Thiago Fracasso (NUSP: 3313022), completed in 04/08/2014
Reinaldo Augusto da Costa Bianchi (NUSP: 1881576), completed in 04/05/2004
Renê Pegoraro (NUSP: 2161327), completed in 09/14/2001
Ruben Glatt (NUSP: 9412785), completed in 06/12/2019
Valdinei Freire da Silva (NUSP: 2927672), completed in 04/07/2009
Valguima Victoria Viana Aguiar Odakura (NUSP: 3356020), completed in 12/15/2006
Waldemar Bonventi Junior (NUSP: 1745538), completed in 06/30/2005


Courses I usually teach

Undergrad courses
PCS3438 – Artificial Intelligence
PCS3110 – Algorithms and Data Structures for Electrical Engineering

Grad courses
PCS5012 – Methodology of Scientific Research in Computer Engineering
PCS5024 – Statistical Learning
PCS5869 – Artificial Intelligence

Brief Biography

Anna Helena Reali Costa (Anna Reali) is Full Professor of Computer Engineering at Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil. She took her Ph.D. at USP, investigated robot vision as a research scientist at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, and was a guest researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, working in the integration of learning, planning and execution in mobile robot teams. She is the Director of the Data Science Center (C2D), a partnership between USP and the Itaú-Unibanco bank; she is also a member of the Center for Artificial Intelligence (C4AI) from USP, a partnership with IBM and FAPESP. Her scientific contributions lie in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, in particular Reinforcement Learning; her long-term research objective is to create autonomous, ethical, and robust agents that can learn to interact in complex and dynamic environments, aiming at the well-being of human beings.