The range of technical issues that MABS has dealt with, and continues to deal with, is quite diverse and extensive. Topics relevant to this workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Simulation methodologies
- standards for MABS
- methodologies and simulation languages for MABS
- simulation platforms and tools for MABS
- visualisation and analytic tools
- approaches for large-scale simulations
- scalability and robustness in MABS
- future challenges in MABS
- Simulation of social, economic and organizational behaviour
- formal and agent models of social, economic and organizational behaviour
- cognitive organizations and social simulation
- game theory and simulation
- social structure, social networks and simulating organizations
- simulating social complexity (e.g. structures and norms, social order, emergence of cooperation and coordinated action, self-organisation, the micro-macro link)
- Applications / Empirical work
- MABS in environmental organizations
- MABS and cloud computing
- agent-based experimental economics
- participative-based simulation
- MABS and games
- MABS in governance and policy-making
Moreover, in this edition, like the last one in 2018, we will encourage submissions that address the integration of MABS with machine learning and big data. In particular, we want to address how data mining can be used to build MABS models from social big data. These topics are important for the MAS/AI/ML communities and for economic/social/organizational scientists using simulations.